
  • 当社のフリーズドライイチゴは、再密封可能なスナックパウチまたはバルクサイズの缶で提供されます。  私たちの缶は 耐久性があり、積み重ね可能で、埋め立てではなく再利用されることが想定されています。
  • 各スナックには 100% フリーズドライのイチゴのみが含まれています。他のものは一切加えません!
  • スナックパウチサイズ: 0.8オンス (22グラム)
  • バルク缶サイズ: 92 グラム (3.2 オンス)
  • 当社のフリーズドライいちごは地元の農家から仕入れています。持続可能な農業で手摘みされ、栽培されています。詳細はこちら の 私たちの果物の背景にある物語
  • 自宅、学校のおやつ、オフィスに最適です。どこにでも持ち運べます。
  • 新鮮な果物とは異なり、当社の果物は腐ることがなく、数か月、あるいは数年にわたって栄養素とビタミンをすべて保持します。
• Per Serving 22 g (1 Pouch) •

• ENERGY: 299Kj | 71Kcal
• TOTAL FAT: 1 g
Of which saturated: <0.1 g
• TOTAL SUGARS: 11.6 g
Includes 0g Added Sugars
• PROTEIN: 2 g
• SALT: 0 mg

100% strawberry.

May contain traces of other fruits.

Why choose freeze-dried fruit?

Freeze-drying preserves up to 95% of the nutrients of fresh fruit compared to other preservation methods like canning or air-drying (loss of 50% to 70% of nutritional value).

Freeze-dried fruits are rich in antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, promote overall health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Freeze-dried fruits are a good source of dietary fiber, which supports healthy digestion, and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Freeze-dried fruits have a long shelf life and don't require refrigeration. This compares to the much shorter shelf life of fresh fruit, which typically lasts a few days to a few weeks. This makes freeze-dried fruit an ideal snack option for people with busy lifestyles.

They can be easily added to a variety of meals and snacks, such as oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, or trail mix.

Freeze-dried fruit allows for better portion control, as it can be easily measured and consumed in smaller servings. This can help people manage their daily fruit intake.

This also eliminates waste since a portion can be consumed over one or more days.